A theory about what might have happened before the Big Bang

It is generally accepted in the scientific community that entropy has been increasing since the Big Bang. A higher level of entropy is synonymous with a higher level of disorder, so we can also say that the universe has become more disorganized over time. We define this process as disorganization. If the universe has been becoming more and more disorganized ever since the Big Bang, it means that the universe must have been highly organized when the Big Bang happened. In fact, it must have been more organized then than ever after, so we define this state as hyperorganized.
Disorganization after the big bang
The lowest level of entropy we can create here on Earth is called a Bose-Einstein condensate. This state can be formed by cooling an extremely low-density gas of bosons to an ultra-low temperature. In this state, the bosons merge into the same quantum state, and behave as one unit. We can assume that the hyperorganized state must be something like this. If the universe was hyperorganized right before the Big Bang, we can also infer that the universe must have been becoming more organized from a less organized state before that. Just imagine if you came into a house that looked super clean. It would then be highly probable that somebody recently had cleaned it. A process that leads to a hyperorganized state can be defined as hyperorganization. So we infer that the universe was in a state of hyperorganization before the big bang.
Hyperorganization before the big bang
In the quantum world there doesn't seem to be much difference between causality and retrocausality. The arrow of time manifests itself only at macrostates, not at quantum states. It seems like the arrow of time might be a remnant of energy from the big bang pushing the macrostates of our universe into the future. However, this energy dissipates over time, and some time into the future, there will be no energy left from the Big Bang. This is known as the heat death of the universe. We can also define this state as hyperdisorganized. Both the hyperorganized state and the hyperdisorganized state seem to be boundary conditions where time and causality are inverted. After the heat death of the universe, there isn't any energy left to push the universe away from the Big Bang, however, now there also isn't any resistance to pull the universe back. During this phase the universe might be retrocausal, and If you lived then, you might only have memories from the future, and remember nothing from the past. The past might be as unknowable to you as the future is to you now.
Cyclic cosmology
When the heat death of the universe happens, the universe is predicted to have an extremely low density and an ultra-low temperature. So the conditions seem to be almost right for the formation of Bose-Einstein condensates, except for that there might be another type of particles around then called fermions, which might interrupt the formation of Bose-Einstein condensates. However, it is possible that all fermions eventually decay, or that the hyperorganized state is a somewhat different and more stable type of exotic matter which is capable of incorporating fermions into the hyperorganized state.
Cyclic animation